

Hollywood Book Reviews Author Interview: Daniel Harry with Lily Amanda

Title: The Jesus RingAuthor: Daniel HarryPublisher:‎ Dan’s Scribbling.comISBN: 979-8446235902Pages: 388Genre: Christian fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy, horrorInterviewer: Lily Amanda Today, Lily Amanda is talking with Daniel Harry, author of The Jesus Ring. HBR:  Does one of the main characters hold a special place in your heart? If so, why?I can’t  have a single favorite character. Peter, our US veterans and, of course, God. They hold a special place in my heart. Though, God must surely be disappointed in humankind by now. Peter and the other eleven apostles were chosen and gathered for a single purpose, to lead the “believers” through the events leading up to the apocalypse. While Satan and his minions cannot harm the “believers”, they can entice the “non-believers” to do their dirty work. There is dirty work involved and the apocalypse that was foretold would be fulfilled. Peter was chosen as the launch for the end times, similar to the pale horse. Once the ring found Peter, it marked the beginning of the forecasted Tribulation period of the end times. I have a huge allegiance to the US veterans and felt they would have a significant role in the events leading up to the final battle. This is why Peter and the other chosen disciples were all veterans and most of God’s Army were veterans. As a veteran myself, I couldn’t think of a better group to enlist to fight the final battle. The dirty work, meaning Satan’s murder of billions, would require believers in God’s requirements that would not cringe or run from the horrors that will surely take place. I don’t have that much faith in the courage of current generations in the face of the terror to come. I pray they prove me wrong. HBR:  What was the inspiration for the story?I was fishing early one morning in Galveston Bay in late summer of 2019. It was early enough to watch the dawn turn from gray to full sunrise and it was beautiful.  It was so peaceful and the natural beauty that was all around me made me marvel at all God’s creations. I had listened to the news the night before about the tremendous unrest going on in the world: the wars, the natural catastrophes, murder, and general chaos that were happening at that time.  The thought occurred to me that  “This won’t last”. The end of times has been foretold in the Bible and the book of Revelation, it had been foretold by Matthew, Mark, Timothy, Luke, John, and Daniel. Matthew warned us to “watch and be ready”. The apocalypse is inevitable and, once started, my days of peacefully enjoying a sunrise may be over. Daniel talked about the current ills that could set the events of the Apocalypse to churning. We are starting to see the events that were forecast that will eventually lead to Armageddon. The “wars and rumors of wars”, earthquakes in places that have never quaked and far from any tectonic plates, volcanoes that have become active after thousands, and sometimes, hundreds of thousands of years of inactivity, the unrest, famine, diseases never seen before, and the worldwide disgust for Christians. These, among others, were all predicted and they were coming to fruition. I got the idea to write The Jesus Ring that morning. The Jesus Ring is not a loving and friendly book similar to the Left Behind series. There are horrors coming and unimaginable death, suffering, and misery for humankind. The Jesus Ring follows the events of the Bible’s Book of Revelation. The Jesus Ring is more of a horror than a Christian fiction. HBR:  What is the key theme and/or message in the book?The Apocalypse that was foretold is going to happen, it may have already started. Whether it happens similar to what transpires in The Jesus Ring is yet to be seen. The harvesters mentioned are basically symbolic but, one way or another, non-believers will become fodder for Satan and his minions. True believers will be killed by the non-believers. This is happening now. HBR:  What do you hope your readers take away from this book?Actually, I hope it scares the Hell out of some, literally. The Jesus Ring is a fictional take on the events leading up to, and including, the battle of Armageddon. It is meant to be frightening and a loose play on the scriptures, but the scriptures don’t really portray Satan with his own army with the use of technology, and his own Tartarians hungering for human flesh. I am not a theologian, a Christian scholar or ,probably, not even what is defined as a good Christian. I claim to be a Christian and got saved at the ripe old age of 34. I most wholeheartedly accept Jesus Christ as my Savior. One of the main things I would like my readers to take with them after reading The Jesus Ring is to keep fighting the evil that has almost permeated our society. I noted one startling result after first publishing The Jesus Ring. The very mention of God or Jesus will get an immediate refusal from every traditional publishing house without even opening the manuscript. I hear so much about how the “media” has their own agenda and the truth be secondary. Christianity is the largest religion the US today at about 64% but in the 1970s it was at 90%. That is a huge drop in Christians and it dwindles more every day. The negative publicity we see every day from the “news” outlets portrays Christians as religious zealots and always in an unfavorable light. Regardless if Armageddon unfolds similar to The Jesus Ring or not, the end times will be more terrible than any can imagine. HBR:  What is the significance of the title?When I first started writing The Jesus Ring, I had to come up with a way that God could actually have a physical presence to interact with humans. According to teachings, God is light, there is no darkness in him at all. In Exodus

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Professional Reviews

The Jesus Ring | Hollywood Book Reviews   Title: The Jesus RingAuthor: Daniel HarryPublisher: Dan’ ScribblingISBN: 979-8446235902Pages: 388Genre: Christian, Religious Science Fiction, FantasyReviewed By: Lily Amanda Author Daniel Harry’s religious fiction book, *The Jesus Ring*, follows a former soldier as he seeks to carry out God’s will, which involves saving humanity from the worst devastation ever unleashed by Satan. Peter Christian, a war veteran battling post-traumatic stress disorder, is enthralled with the gold band on his middle finger, which he found near the waterfront at Ormond Beach, Florida. Discovering the ring—which oddly shrank and changed color to fit his finger—was followed by the sound of trumpets blasting in the sky and the realization that he had been chosen. Because of this newly discovered treasure, he experiences a dramatic physical change, a rapid growth in his understanding of electronics and computer components, the ability to smell chemical odors in foods around him, an abrupt disappearance of his antidepressant withdrawal symptoms, and the ability to talk and hear God’s voice in his mind. He also acquires special knowledge and abilities that enable him to create food replicators that can instantly feed people. Additionally, he develops medical devices that, among other groundbreaking achievements, can cure chronic diseases, replace amputated limbs, and assist with weight reduction. The creator of the ring, God, allows him to have disciples who support him in his quest during a period of turmoil, war, greed, and hunger that threatens to tear the world apart. However, Peter has no idea how resilient the force responsible for ploys, oppressive leadership, and other forms of dishonesty will be against his efforts in fulfilling God’s plan. A significant feature in this compelling novel, which builds tension from the outset, is a survival and safety plan that many people, as stated in the story, were simply too blind to notice. The remarkable dreams and unwavering commitment to following God’s plan despite any risks they faced made a group of characters known as the Golden Twelve very impressive and likable. The main character effectively and impressively guides them to accomplish the seemingly impossible. Even while the climax is thrilling, it also presents a revolutionary idea that gives the story a distinctive edge. *The Jesus Ring*, a heartfelt, dramatic, and thought-provoking narrative, will quickly tug on readers’ heartstrings as stakes rise with every new chapter. Its well-developed characters propel its narrative ahead, making its three-hundred-page length insignificant as the plot thickens. It is a thrilling work of religious fiction that integrates ideas from a Biblical book that has been widely misinterpreted. The Jesus Ring | Pacific Book Review   Title: The Jesus RingAuthor: Daniel HarryPublisher: Dan’ ScribblingISBN: 979-8446235902Pages: 388Genre: Christian, Religious Science Fiction, FantasyReviewed By: Susan Brown Faith is trust, trust in a God that can’t be seen but, for those who believe, know exists. That type of faith brings understanding, in moments of need, God will be present. Faith, the guiding force in this novel, inspires the protagonists of this novel to answer and adhere to His higher calling because they believe in His presence in their lives. This novel is a little bit action adventure, a little bit sci-fi thriller, a little bit apocalyptic allegory, but overall, it is predominately an interpretation of the biblical record chronicled in Revelations, the final book of the New Testament. Revelations prophecies the coming of the kingdom of God which is an end to present time and the beginning of a world made new through God’s intervention. It details the struggles between good and evil which become so egregious that God steps in, destroys the forces of evil and establishes a new order for believers. It also chronicles the Messiah’s return. Against this biblical backdrop, author Daniel Harry weaves a tale which begins when the main character, Peter Christian, finds an ancient ring on a beach in Florida. He slips it on … and his whole world changes. He is transformed from a down-on-his-luck American veteran suffering from PTSD to one of God’s “Golden Wardens,” a true believer who is called to help save humankind from itself. The ring, worn throughout the ages by many, including Jesus, not only changes Peter physically into a “golden giant,” it also allows him to communicate with God. With God’s guidance, Peter is given the knowledge to build advanced and innovative machinery — energy generators, food processors, medical scanners — that will reshape how humans function in a post-apocalyptic world. He is helped in his task by 11 other men, known as the “Golden Disciples.” The stakes are enormous — to save the world God has created for humans or to fall under the domination of Satan and his followers. Peter gathers together his faithful deputies at a communal compound that allows them all to work independently on tasks entrusted to them. Each is chosen because they too have been called to participate in the epic fight to repel Satan’s forces. Peter must convince many. He says to the U.S. president: “Mr. President, I’m not asking permission. God has told us it’s a battle to the very end, and I intend to follow God’s instructions to the letter. This is no longer a democratic country. This is a stronghold for God’s favored, and we intend to spread it throughout the globe.” He, and his compatriots, must also fight Satan’s Harvesters, giant human-eating creatures that devour the unfaithful, as well as the army he sends to the conclusive Battle of Armageddon. On the surface, this is a story about good and evil. But dive in and you’ll be swept away by the author’s commanding writing. Not only is the storyline gripping, the characters are well-developed and believable. The author’s writing is forceful, to the point, and consistent. He creates for the reader a warrior hero who taps into, not just his humanity, but that of others around him to do God’s work. He stays true and focused on the intrinsic message in Revelations. And what is that message? Does good win out

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The Jesus Ring Reviews

Amazing! Most fun I’ve had with an audiobook ever! I have over 120 titles in my library, and I’m gonna restart this one right now. How about a sequel, Dan? December 23, 2022 Russ Magruder The Jesus Ring is a wonderful depiction of the End Times fictionalized. Mr. Harry stayed true to Biblical Revelation of what the world and people will experience. I praise Mr. Harry for not cheapening his story with gratuitous sex, violence, and cursing. I enjoyed reading The Jesus Ring and look forward to reading more from this author. August 12, 2023 Karin P. I highly recommend this book! I really liked this story’s take on end times events. As someone who loves the Bible, I really like the way Daniel told this story without taking a road away from the Bible. I LOVED the fact it had NOTHING ugly in it at all! Daniel Harry has a great way of telling a story and keeping your attention! DON’T MISS IT! November 19, 2023 Judy i have to say i did not want to put the book down and i read it in one night. i suggest this book for reading, and i sure will be reading more like this from this author November 13, 2022 Robin L Gleaason I’m generally not interested in Religious fiction being somewhat orthodox but I’ve read a few a Dan Harry’s other books in the past and have found them engaging and interesting, I was rewarded by the author again as I found his story very enjoyable Dan is not a cloying man this is a story of action where a hear takes a stand and literally fights a palpable evil the only way he knows how with the fate of mankind at risk. I’ll call it a page turner and tell you its worth your time if your looking for an exciting read that puts a fresh twist on good vs evil. Mitchell C What a great book. I could not put it down. The picture he paints of the shepherds, Satan and his demons is excellent. Very vivid description and I feel like I’m watching a movie every night I read. Very entertaining and thought provoking. I want the movie!!!! Great work, Mr. Harry. Well done, sir! Well done! DebbieZ1 A great story and a great read. The Jesus Ring is a mixture of fact and fiction that has been very well researched. The author has an entertaining writing style and an unusual imagination. I recommend this book. Anonymous When is Jesus coming back and what will happen? What is hell like and what does the Devil have in store for us? In this new take on these old questions, a veteran finds a ring, once belonging to Jesus, and life on earth is changed forever. His mission to lead people in the ultimate struggle against evil is a fun and thought-provoking read. Anonymous An interesting take on the End Times and Second Coming. Characters are interesting, I would have liked to see them a little more developed. Shawna Rodgers All I Can Say is Wow! I think the title let you know how I felt about this book. I was drawn through the book by action, with a great story which can make you think. You will see parallels drawn in the story line that can be seen as today’s problems.You will want to read this fictional end times story. Shirley McLain All I Can Say is Wow! I think the title let you know how I felt about this book. I was drawn through the book by action, with a great story which can make you think. You will see parallels drawn in the story line that can be seen as today’s problems. You will want to read this fictional end times story. Shirley McLain This book was a one-of-a-kind reading experience – a thrilling novel relevant to today and the prophecies of Revelations. The modern world is thrust into a time of chaos and uncertainty. Modern dangers, calamities foretold in the Bible thousands of years ago. The Jesus Ring explains the events occurring on our darkening horizon, their Biblical significance and the fate which will overcome us all if we do not heed the warnings. Mariel

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Shadows: The Myth Awakens Reviews

Daniel Harry is the next Stephen King!! So well written. I literally could not put it down…..very suspenseful. He does a fabulous job of keeping you guessing on how it will end. One of the best books I’ve read in awhile. After reading this book, you have to read his other one, “THE JESUS RING”……another fabulous book!! March 22, 2020 Susan Burns “Shadows”. I was very impressed with this book, I want to see it in a movie. One windy day I read that sucker straight through, WOW! what a tale, it’s a nightmare in a book!, May 9, 2023 Kenneth Reese Shadows is such a good suspenseful book. It definitely keeps you wondering throughout most of the book. The author is great about giving you enough details to keep you interested, but not enough to help you figure out what is preying on the town. I definitely recommend you read it. Can’t wait for his next book! March 22, 2020 Rachel Johnson Shauna Miller

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Ramblings of an Old Poot Reviews

This book is hilarious! I read it cover to cover in one sitting! I hope this author writes more “ramblings” as well as additional books. June 28, 2020 Nathan Clark Absolutely loved it! “If we are blessed, we all have a grandfather or father who told crazy stories. If you did, you will enjoy this book. If you didn’t, you need this book because you will enjoy it! I set to read this one evening in bed. I caught myself laughing out loud! My husband asked, ‘what are you laughing at?’ I could not read it to him, because every time I started to read, I started laughing! IT’S A MUST HAVE!”   November 19, 2023 Judy “Ramblings of an Old Poot” I must say this is my kind of book. I have always enjoyed comedic human interest story writers such as Bombeck, Grizzard, Carlin and now Harry . . . BRAVO, I have lived your “We Get Wise with Age”. Let’s have a “Poot II” !!! May 9, 2023 Kenneth Reese

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Interview transcript for The Jesus Ring

How a morning fishing trip inspired a novel   I was fishing early one morning in Galveston Bay in late summer of 2019. It was early enough to watch the dawn turn from gray to full sunrise and it was beautiful. The fish were feeding, the bait was jumping as the saltwater predators fed, the egrets, pelicans, and seagulls were getting their breakfast, and the water was calm and as clear as it can get in this bay. There were several dolphin surfacing in the channel close to where the boat was anchored. While I enjoyed the beauty of the sunrise and nature at work, I thought about the miracles we see every day but don’t recognize. Some foolish thoughts, some not so foolish. Thoughts like: Are there any other of God’s creations that can marvel at the beauty I was seeing that morning? Do the pelicans have the same exhilaration as humans do at the sight of something beautiful and spectacular? Does anyone but me wonder about the miracle that God’s Will made each of us; the plants, animals, and even the sunlight radiating from that huge yellow orb? Arranging the very atoms of each cell of our bodies in such a way that they glom together to make an organism as complicated as our own human body to function as a unit. Forces, magnetism, and attractions that are not understood by humankind that hold everything together and makes the organs of our bodies function with every other part of our bodies. Not the least of those organs being my eyes and brain that could marvel at the beauty of the morning sunrise and appreciate its beauty. Does anyone but me wonder why our home planet, and all the planets of our solar system, were placed just at the right distance from our Sun so all living organisms can thrive. Our moon, the size and distance from the Earth specifically oriented to nurture all life on it. Without the moon, we would not be here. It is almost by design, and it most surely was. Then the thought occurred to me that “This won’t last”. The end of times has been foretold in the Bible and the book of Revelation, it had been foretold by Matthew, Mark, Timothy, Luke, John, and Daniel. Matthew warned us to “watch and be ready”. The apocalypse is inevitable and, once started, my days of peacefully enjoying a sunrise may be over. I am not a fatalist, but I am a firm believer in the Bible. Including 2 Peter 3:14 through 3:16 that states “all His messages, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.” To me, this means there are people that purposefully will change the written scripture or teach parts of the scripture to their own design and purpose, leading up to the End Times. Daniel talked about the current ills that could set the events of the Apocalypse. We are starting to see the events that were forecast that will eventually lead to Armageddon. The “wars and rumors of wars”, earthquakes in places that have never quaked and far from any tectonic plates, volcanoes that have become active after thousands, and sometimes, hundreds of thousands of years of inactivity, the unrest, famine, and diseases never seen before. These, among others, were all predicted. Knowing Peter Christian, an unlikely hero   Who is Peter Christian? What’s his role in the Apocalypse? “Peter is a modern-day veteran from the War on Terror in Afghanistan. He suffers from PTSD due to his experiences there. Like so many of our veterans, he turns to the medications, anti-depressants, and alcohol to alleviate the symptoms until he finds the Ring, or rather, the Ring finds him. The Ring heals his body and mind from the multitude of symptoms associated with PTSD and gives him a direct link to God. He can talk to Him and have a conversation directly with Him. The Ring would change him not only mentally but also physically. It clears all his mental issues and diseases. “Peter is assigned by God to embark on this adventure as the first apostle. You might say he was drafted by The Ring. It would seem that God needs a warrior instead of a pacifist to prepare the world for the upcoming battle and prepare the way for Jesus’ return. He’s not necessarily the rider of the “pale horse” but being chosen by the Jesus Ring, triggers the advance of the pale horse in the Bible.” Why read “The Jesus Ring”?   “It’s a good read. I tried to follow the predicted events leading up to Armageddon as close as possible. The Jesus Ring follows a lot of what’s going on in the world right now. I took some liberties with the science fiction. All science is fiction until science proves it and then it becomes fact. All of the sciences involved with the fantastic machines for food production, medical equipment, weaponry, and flying machines I’ve mentioned in The Jesus Ring are theoretically feasible. There are some of my own thoughts of how the world’s finances will crumble and why. There is some fantasy with Satan’s “harvesters”, huge carnivores that actually feed off the non-believers and transport them back to Satan’s home to be used as feed stock for his minions… I even added some theories about where and why the dinosaurs originated and became extinct. One way or another, the “end times” are going to be horrific and those that will have to experience them are in for a terrifying experience. Keep in mind The Jesus Ring is a work of fiction, but God help you if the “end times” resembles anything like The Jesus Ring.” Experience apocalyptic fiction as if it has never been written.

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