Passionate Writer and Storyteller

Passionate Writer and Storyteller

Passionate Writer and Storyteller

Explore a riveting journey of faith, courage, and divine intervention with ‘The Jesus Ring,’ while discovering the unexpected wisdom hidden in life’s comedic moments with ‘Ramblings of an Old Poot,’ and prepare for an adrenaline-pumping ride into the shadows of myth with ‘Shadows – The Myth Awakens.

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Author info

Author of The Jesus Ring, Shadows, and Ramblings of an Old Poot. Daniel Harry lives in Port Lavaca, Texas, with his wife, Cathy. Daniel has authored many humorous short stories and has two new novels that will be released in late 2024

Daniel was born in San Angelo, Texas and raised in the oilfields of Odessa in far west Texas. Daniel has spent the last forty years managing his companies and writing technical documents that centered around oil and gas, chemical, power generation, and specialty gas plant construction and industrial inspection/testing.

Passionate Writer and Storyteller
Passionate Writer and Storyteller

The Jesus Ring

An ancient ring washes onto the sand and shells of the Florida shoreline. Peter Christian, a young American veteran struggling with PTSD, finds the ring and slips it on his finger. He isn’t aware the ring’s last wearer was God’s own son. The ring’s purpose is to find the person chosen to champion the faithful into the future…if it has one.

Peter discovers the ring will change him physically and gives him the ability to communicate directly with God. God has given the humans this last chance to come back to him, or he will wash his hands of the petri dish we call Earth and leave it to Satan and his swarm to devour and destroy.

Passionate Writer and Storyteller

Ramblings of an Old Poot

A collection of humorous short stories of how life makes you smarter, even if you’re not expecting it. Everyone needs a giggle occasionally, maybe these will help. This collection of humorous short stories are mostly true events during my life to date, some from my youth, some as a young adult, and some when part of my hair turned gray and the rest of it turned loose. They may not make you laugh so hard that tears run down your leg but I hope they do.

I have always enjoyed a good story and loved to listen to my parents and grandparents tell the tales from their youth. The stories were always voiced but not written and with age, the memories of the tales fade and become obscure.

Passionate Writer and Storyteller

Shadows: The Myth Awakens

Shadows – The Myth Awakens, a mystery-horror-thriller, is a tale of a most unique creature like you’ve never imagined. Now we’re not safe anywhere!

A mythical monster of the southeastern US American Indian tribes has risen in our modern times. The creature is awakened by a rare meteorological event and has discovered an egress point from its earthly lair to its prey through one of the most common devices used by humans.

Available at



This book is hilarious! I read it cover to cover in one sitting! I hope this author writes more "ramblings" as well as additional books.


Nathan Clark
Ramblings of an Old Poot

If we are blessed, we all have a grandfather or father who told crazy stories. If you did, you will enjoy this book. If you didn't, you need this book because you will enjoy it!
I set to read this one evening in bed. I caught myself laughing out loud! My husband asked, "what are you laughing at?"
I could not read it to him, because every time I started to read, I started laughing!

Ramblings of an Old Poot

When is Jesus coming back and what will happen? What is hell like and what does the Devil have in store for us? In this new take on these old questions, a veteran finds a ring, once belonging to Jesus, and life on earth is changed forever. His mission to lead people in the ultimate struggle against evil is a fun and thought-provoking read.

The Jesus Ring

"Ramblings of an Old Poot" I must say this is my kind of book. I have always enjoyed comedic human interest story writers such as Bombeck, Grizzard, Carlin and now Harry . . . BRAVO, I have lived your "We Get Wise with Age". Let's have a "Poot II" !!!

Kenneth Reese
Ramblings of an Old Poot

What a great book. I could not put it down. The picture he paints of the shepherds, Satan and his demons is excellent. Very vivid description and I feel like I’m watching a movie every night I read. Very entertaining and thought provoking. I want the movie!!!! Great work, Mr Harry. Well done, sir! Well done!

The Jesus Ring